June 16 2017 0Comment

Men’s shed information session – gallery

Mackay Hearing’s Principal Audiologist Jodie Miles had a great morning at the Iona West Men’s Shed on 14 June, and we hope the fellas got something out of it too! Jodie had a busy morning sharing info and answering questions on hearing health and undertaking hearing screens. We are extremely grateful for being welcomed to the Men’s Shed and we would love to do it again in the future.

Some photos from the morning are provided below:

MackayHearing_MensShedShoot_Jun-2017-7886   MackayHearing_MensShedShoot_Jun-2017-7952

MackayHearing_MensShedShoot_Jun-2017-7985   MackayHearing_MensShedShoot_Jun-2017-7945

MackayHearing_MensShedShoot_Jun-2017-8022   MackayHearing_MensShedShoot_Jun-2017-7960


Find out more about Mackay Hearing at mackayhearing.com.au or call 4952 4649.