Central Auditory Processing Disorder treatment
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) is often accompanied by and exacerbates other conditions that are particularly evident in children. Often the behavioural symptoms of these conditions are treated, but the underlying auditory processing issues are left undiagnosed and therefore untreated.
The auditory system is an ideal focal point for intervention as it influences many areas of functioning and behaviour. A child’s auditory system is not fully developed until age 15. So, many children diagnosed with CAPD can develop better skills over time as their auditory system matures. While there is no known cure for CAPD, there are a range of effective treatment and support options available that can help children develop good communication skills.
The management program used to help a child with CAPD will depend on the type of deficit that is diagnosed and may include some or all of the following:

Management strategies
A personal frequency modulation (FM) device or sound-field amplification (SFA) system can be used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the classroom. FM systems are available to purchase or rent through Mackay Hearing to facilitate an increase in speech and language development. Mackay Hearing can also assist your school in fitting a SFA to their classroom.
Specific auditory skills can be targeted in a training program to improve deficits identified in the CAP assessment.
Environmental modification/compensation
Practical classroom strategies can be provided to help reduce the effects of CAPD on learning at school.
The effectiveness of any treatment program will depend on the awareness, cooperation and diligence of the child’s support network. In addition to parents, it is important that teachers and other prominent figures in the child’s life are counselled on how best to manage and help treat the condition. At Mackay Hearing, we actively liaise with your child’s teacher and other relevant health professionals involved with your child, to ensure your child reaches their learning potential.
It is important to take a holistic approach to auditory processing and to consider its place within the larger concepts of listening and understanding. It forms one part of our larger ability to listen and understand; the other parts being language (best assessed by a speech-language pathologist) and attention, memory, and cognition (best assessed by a psychologist). All parts of listening and understanding must be considered when diagnosing and managing CAPD.
If you would like any more information on our auditory processing assessments and treatments, or how to prepare for your child’s auditory processing appointment, please contact our friendly local staff directly on (07) 4952 4649 or email us at listening@mackayhearing.com.au.