Category: Hearing awareness week

Cochlear implant program launches in Mackay

A new Cochlear implant program is set to be officially launched in Mackay this week, as part of Hearing Awareness Week. For the first time, prospective cochlear implant candidates will be able to access pre-surgery tests and counselling, the device ‘switch-on’, adjustments and ongoing support through a locally and independently owned hearing clinic. Surgical implantation […]

Hearing help

Courtesy of 7 Local News Mackay. Letitia Wallace, Reporting: Glenda Froyland was 23 years old when she started noticing signs of hearing loss. A few years ago, she decided to get a cochlear implant. She says it’s completely changed her life. Glenda Froyland: From being a person I was so dependent on my family and my […]

Hearing health in spotlight

Courtesy of The Midweek Experts from across Queensland will present at a free Mackay seniors’ hearing health session at Souths Leagues Club from 9am Tuesday, August 29. Mackay Hearing Director and Principal Audiologist Jodie Miles is first on the bill with a presentation on getting the best from hearing aids. “Understandably, it’s pretty frustrating to […]

Hear all about it – Hearing Awareness Week 2016

Hearing Awareness Week, a nation-wide initiative of the Deafness Forum of Australia, officially commences this Sunday! The central aim of Hearing Awareness Week is to highlight issues people with hearing loss deal with. The Deafness Forum of Australia also use the week to continue to campaign for greater recognition of issues relevant to hearing loss. […]

Expo stall an expo-nential success

Mackay Hearing were delighted to have been part of this year’s successful Senior’s Expo at Mackay’s Senior Citizen’s Centre. Organised by Mackay Regional Council as part of Senior’s Week, the expo included display stalls from over 70 groups and organisations offering services for seniors. The expo also included a variety of performances, prizes, refreshments and […]