March 31 2020 0Comment

Updated statement on clinic operations in response to Coronavirus

For people with hearing loss, being able to hear clearly and communicate with loved ones, medical practitioners and other key service personnel will be paramount in the coming months. Being able to access hearing services at this time is more important than ever.

We are guided by expert advice relayed to the community by federal and state governments, and advice from the peak body representing Audiologists – Audiology Australia. At this stage, there has been no advice or directives from government or Audiology Australia to close hearing clinics.

Further, while the number of people directly affected by COVID in Queensland continues to rise, it is our understanding that there is no evidence of local transmission in the Mackay Region at this stage.

Based on the above, we intend to maintain our services to the community for as long as it is safe and practical to do so.

We are constantly reviewing and refining our operations, and the following summarises our operations as of 31 March 2020:

  • We continue to provide services from our Ooralea clinic, however we have temporarily ceased Thursday night and Saturday morning services. Opening hours at our Ooralea clinic are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
  • We have temporarily ceased providing services from our Northern Beaches (Rural View), Pioneer Valley (Marian) and Sarina visiting sites. This is effective immediately and until further notice. Clients with existing appointments at visiting sites have been contacted and offered appointments at our Ooralea clinic.
  • We continue to adhere to increased infection control procedures before, during and after appointments.
  • We continue to provide hand sanitising facilities at our front counter – which we encourage clients to use before and after appointments.
  • We continue to implement personal space and social distancing measures in our waiting facilities and appointment rooms.
  • Our Hear With You support group meetings continue to be cancelled until further notice.

The City GP Superclinic – the building our Ooralea clinic is located within – continues to operate in accordance with a range of strict measures in response to the pandemic.

During this time, we continue to ask that our clients:

  • Comply with quarantine, social distancing and hygiene measures directed / advised by regulatory authorities.
  • Please refrain from visiting the clinic if you are experiencing Coronavirus symptoms – dry cough, fever, tiredness, respiratory difficulties. Seek medical advice in the first instance. If you are well enough, please call us as we may be able to help with hearing matters remotely.

Should you have any questions or concerns, our friendly staff will be more than happy to provide clarification and reassurance. Please call us on (07) 4952 4649.

Please continue to be vigilant and sensible, and take care of one another in the weeks and months ahead.


Find out more about Mackay Hearing at or call 4952 4649.