Hearing Awareness Week is an opportunity to raise awareness that hearing matters and that simple everyday measures can help avoid, minimise and / or delay hearing loss. Hearing Awareness Week also provides an opportunity to recognise that around 1 in 6 Australians have hearing loss; and that the testing and treatment options available have never been more effective.
Mackay Hearing is proud to be involved in Hearing Awareness Week. Mackay Hearing have a range of activities planned in the month of August that aim to raise awareness of hearing, hearing loss and testing and treatment options.
FREE Hearing Information Morning with morning tea
Mackay Hearing is excited to be teaming up with Deaf Services Queensland and Cochlear to deliver a morning information session covering many aspects of hearing health, complete with a delicious morning tea.
The information morning will take place at:
Souths Leagues Club, 181 Milton Street, South Mackay
9.00am to 11.00am, Tuesday 29 August, 2017
Topics covered, and speakers include:
- How to get the most out of hearing aids (and avoid them being left in the drawer) – Jodie Miles, Mackay Hearing
- The Ageing Well Program – Deaf Services Queensland
- The gift of hearing again – a personal account from Glenda Froyland
- Questions and answers on cochlear implants – Lisa Rainbow, Cochlear
Plus, the information morning will include a very special surprise perfromance by a mystery guest! All will be revealed on the 29 August.
The information morning and morning tea is completely free of charge and open to anyone that is interested in hearing health.
Secure your place by contacting our clinic on 4952 4649, or register your interest in the enquiry form at the bottom of this page, by 5pm on Wednesday 23 August 2017.
Free hearing screens
Hearing screens are an important first step in your journey to better hearing. Hearing screens reveal quickly and easily whether your hearing is within the ‘normal’ range, or whether more detailed testing is recommended.
If you live in Mackay, Sarina or the Pioneer Valley we will be conducting free hearing screens in a retirement facility, sports club or clinic near you. The hearing screens are completely cost and obligation free.
Hearing screens will be provided at the following venues:
- Wests Leagues Club, Walkerston – from 12.00pm, Friday 4 August – phone: 4959 2480
- Northern Beaches Bowls Club, Rural View – from 10.00am, Monday 7 August – phone: 4954 8677
- RSL Care Breezes, Beaconsfield – from 9.00am, Tuesday 8 August – phone: 4968 0223
- Mackay GP Superclinic, Rural View – from 9.00am, Wednesday 9 August – phone: 4954 8866
- Magpies Sporting Club, Glenella – from 10.00am, Thursday 10 August – phone: 4965 6100
- Eaglemount Retirement Resort, Beaconsfield – from 2.00pm, Monday 14 August – phone: 4942 9001
- Walkerston GP Superclinic, Walkerston – from 9.00am, Tuesday 15 August – phone: 4959 2609
- Marian GP Superclinic, Marian Town Centre – from 9.00am, Wednesday 16 August – phone: 4954 3702
- Mackay Golf Club, Beaconsfield – from 2.00pm, Thursday 17 August – phone: 4942 1521
- Souths Leagues Club, South Mackay – from 9.00am, Monday 28 August – phone: 4957 2166
- North Mackay Bowls Club, North Mackay – from 2.00pm, Monday 28 August – phone: 4942 3393
- City Superclinic, Ooralea – throughout August – phone: 4952 4929
To book a hearing screen at any of the screening sessions, please contact the phone number listed for each venue, contact our clinic on 4952 4649 or register your interest in the enquiry form at the bottom of this page.
Information stall at the Mackay Seniors Expo
The annual Mackay Seniors Expo provides an opportunity for our region’s seniors to browse more than 70 exhibitors showcasing how they can make a real difference to your quality of life and connection to community. Mackay Hearing will have an information stall at the expo. This year, the expo will be held at:
‘The Big Shed’, Mackay Showgrounds
9.00am to 1.00pm, Tuesday 22nd August 2017
Come and say hi to our friendly staff at the Mackay Hearing stall. We will have a wealth of information, free services, giveaways and competitions to enter.
register your interest - information morning and hearing screens
find out more about hearing awareness week
The Hearing Awareness Week website has more information on the purpose and history of the initiative, and also general information on hearing and hearing loss.
Click here to access the Hearing Awareness Week website.