March 01 2017 0Comment

Coffee and chat with Jodie Miles from Mackay Hearing


Courtesy of Pakmag

A mum of three girls, with dual qualifications in speech pathology and audiology – Jodie Miles is the woman behind Mackay Hearing – Mackay’s only locally and independently owned hearing clinic.

Tell us about your girls!

Their age separation is only 18 months (eek!), but it never ceases to amaze me how vastly different their little personalities are.

We love to get them outdoors on weekends but they certainly don’t miss out on girly time. During the week we are busy with three separate drop-offs and pick-ups – it’s like running a twice daily marathon!

How did Mackay Hearing get started?

I’ve always had an interest in establishing a clinic. This was somewhat satisfied in previous jobs where I set up clinics in Mackay for two large state/nationwide companies. While I enjoyed these roles, I always felt our region lacked a hearing clinic with a commitment to the community and continuity of service – enter Mackay Hearing!

There’s no doubt juggling clinic, family and other commitments can be challenging at times, but I absolutely love what I do.

Your #1 tip for parents

Hearing is vital for quality of life at any age, but it’s especially important in our formative years when learning foundations are being laid. Hearing is crucial for speech and language development which, in turn, is crucial for learning to read and write.

If you suspect your child has any hearing issues, the sooner you act the better. Hearing and auditory processing tests are quick, painless and even a bit fun. We can test auditory processing ability from 6 years old.

Where can we find out more?

We have a wealth of information on our Facebook page and website, which are currently focusing on children’s hearing issues, so it’s a great time for parents to ‘like’ us and check us out outline (


Article appeared in Pakmag, Issue 53 in March 2017.

View article online – click here.

Find out more about Mackay Hearing at or call 4952 4649.